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Refund Policy

Students who are admitted and register for courses at Lander University are financially responsible for fees and charges associated with those courses. Therefore, students are encouraged to complete all courses for which they register. In the event it becomes necessary for a student to drop one or more courses or completely withdraw from the University, an adjustment may be made.

>> FInancial Withdrawal Policy


Refund Policy

Fall/Spring Semesters 

When a student leaves the University before the end of a fall or spring semester, voluntarily or through dismissal, University fees will be refunded as follows. (Lander students receiving Title IV funds are governed by a federally mandated pro-rata refund policy.)

  • Last day for registration and drop/add - 100%
  • before expiration of 12% of the semester - 90%
  • before expiration of 25% of the semester - 50%
  • before expiration of 50% of the semester - 25%



Dates Percentage
Through August 23, 2024
*Classes Cancelled August 21, 2024*
August 24-August 30, 2024 90%
Aughust 31-September 16, 2024 50%
September 17-October 15, 2024 25%
After October 15, 2024 NO REFUND



Dates Percentage
Through January 12, 2024
*Classes Cancelled January 10, 2024*
January 13-January 23, 2024 90%
January 24-February 9, 2024 50%
February 10-March 8, 2024 25%
After March 8, 2024 NO REFUND


Summer School

When a student leaves the University before the end of a summer semester, voluntarily or through dismissal, University fees will be refunded as follows. (Lander students receiving Title IV funds are governed by a federally mandated pro-rata refund policy.)

Dates Percentage
Summer Full Term
May 13-May 16, 2024 100%
May 17-May 20, 2024 90%
After May 20, 2024 NO REFUND
Summer 1 Term
May 13-May 16, 2024 100%
May 17-May 20, 2024 90%
After May 20, 2024 NO REFUND
Summer 2 Term
June 20-June 24, 2024 100%
June 25-June 27, 2024 90%
After June 27, 2024 NO REFUND


The date on which a student files written notice of withdrawal with the Office of the Registrar is the date used in determining refund.

Conditions for refunds of room and board and breakage deposits are listed on Residence Hall Contract Fees page and in the Residence Hall contract.

Conditions for refunds to students whose tuition and fees are paid by certain types of financial aid are set forth in the Lander University Catalog.

No refunds or reductions of basic charges will be made due to a change in status (e.g. from full-time student to part-time student) after the last day for registration and drop add for the fall and spring semester

No reductions from any charges are made for holidays or for absence from the University. A boarding student will pay full charges for meals, regardless of the number of meals taken in the dining hall.

In the event the University must suspend or close due to force majeure, no adjustment of tuition of fees and/or financial aid, shall be made. “Force majeure” shall mean any cause or event, which is outside of the University and may include war, flood, storm, epidemic or financial exigency.

In order to receive academic credits, grade reports, transcript of record or degree, a student's indebtedness to the University must be settled, and the student must account satisfactorily for all property entrusted to the student's care.

It is further the policy of the University that any outstanding balance due to the University after the student ceases to be enrolled is subject to referral for collection. The student will be responsible for the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 33.3% of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees we incur in such collection efforts.  By providing your telephone number, you are agreeing and giving express consent that Lander University or anyone working on their behalf, including third party vendors, may contact you at the number provided by manually dialing the number or by using automated dialing technology.

When a student withdraws completely from the University, funds paid to the student's account may be prorated, refunded, returned, or removed. Funds will be returned in the following order.

  1. Title IV (federal) funds (as prescribed by law)
  2. State funds
    1. SC Need-Based Grant
    2. LIFE/Palmetto Fellows
    3. Teacher's Loan Program
    4. Teaching Fellows Program
  3. Institutional funds
  4. Other funds

In some circumstances, funds paid to the student's account may be refunded to the student after the account balance has been satisfied and appropriate funds have been returned. However, the amount refunded to the student cannot exceed the amounts credited to the account through the combination of loans, cash payments, and/or federal grants. Excess funds from state and institutional programs will be returned to the appropriate agencies. Funds from private sources will be returned as prescribed by the funding source.

Students are not eligible to register for future terms if they have an outstanding balance with the university.


Credit Card Policy

When a credit card is used to pay tuition and fees and a student withdraws from class, any refund due will be issued as a credit back to the credit card used up to the amount of the charge, based on the university's approved refund schedule.

Return of Title IV Funds

Important Notice

Students who receive Title IV Funds (Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG, Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Loans (Unsub or Sub) or Federal Direct Parent Plus Loans) and withdraw completely from the University are subject to the Return of Title IV Funds regulations. Students with funds from any of these programs "earn" their financial aid dollars while enrolled.  If a student withdraws prior to completing 60% of a term, a pro-rated portion of the federal financial aid dollars must be considered "UNEARNED" and returned to the federal programs. Unearned financial aid dollars, which have to be returned to the federal aid programs, could cause students to owe the university a significant amount upon withdrawal.

In addition to the amount of federal aid that Lander must return, students who received financial aid for other educational costs, including off-campus living expenses, may be required to repay a portion of those funds to the federal programs.  Failure to return aid due to the federal aid programs will result in loss of eligibility for federal financial aid assistance.

Federal aid funds to be returned are distributed to the programs in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Student Loan
  3. Perkins Loan
  4. Federal Direct Parent Plus Loan
  5. Pell Grant
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

Military Tuition Assistance Refund Policy

Lander University returns unearned military tuition assistance funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60% portion of the term for which they were provided regardless of the reason for withdrawal (service-related or otherwise). Any unearned TA funds will be returned directly to the military service, not to the service member.

Lander University will work with service members that stop attending due to a military service obligation in identifying solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion. Military tuition assistance is awarded based on students completing the entire term it was awarded. When a student withdraws, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount.



Tuition Assistance eligibility will be recalculated for students who officially withdraw from a course prior to completing 60% of the enrollment period. The official last date of attendance is used to determine the number of days completed. Recalculation of eligibility is based on the percentage of TA benefits earned using the following chart:

  • Before or during week 1 - 100%
  • During weeks 2-4 - 75%
  • During weeks 5-8 - 50%
  • During week 9 (60% of course now completed) - 25%
  • During weeks 10-16 - 0%


The Department of Defense requires that the university return any unearned TA applied to institutional charges. The student will then owe the university the amount that was returned.