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Because We CARE…

The CARE Team is a group of campus officials that meet weekly to discuss individuals of concern. Each CARE Team member brings their own unique perspective and expertise to the table. The Team works collectively to determine how they can best support individuals that may be struggling emotionally, socially, or otherwise. The purpose of the Team is to be proactive as opposed to reactive. The Team strives to educate, advocate, and collaborate with individuals to ensure their success. Ultimately, CARE desires to connect individuals in need with the appropriate resources to help them along their journey.

The CARE Team enables individuals to express concern about a person, incident, or issue by submitting a Welfare Concern/CARE Report. Reports may also be made via email ( or by calling 864-388-8241. Making a referral or submitting a report initiates a review process and/or coordinated response involving the appropriate individuals, staff, and offices. CARE referral information is shared with the Team along with any information available from Team members' respective offices.

If you are concerned for yourself or any member of the campus community, please submit a referral to bring this matter to the CARE Team's attention.




CARE referrals do not act as a crisis response system. Please contact the Lander University Police Department at 864-388-8222 if a member of the campus community is in crisis and in need of immediate support. Examples of crises include:

  • An individual discloses that they are actively suicidal.
  • An individual discloses that they are homicidal or may cause harm to someone else.
  • An individual is in pain and needs assistance immediately.
  • An individual has experienced a loss of contact with reality.
  • Any situation in which you believe it would be in one's best interest to have someone respond immediately.


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Other Reporting Tools

Depending upon the unique situation, there may be another reporting option that better suits the circumstances of the report. Alternative reporting tools are referenced below.


Individuals exhibiting mental health concerns are most often referred to the CARE Team. However, CARE referrals are also submitted involving concerns relating to one's financial status, family-related concerns, substance use, relationship concerns, etc. We encourage reporting of all individuals exhibiting behaviors that can lead to their harm or the harm of others. Referrals assist in the Team's ability to recognize an individual heading toward a crisis before an actual crisis occurs.
Lander's Academic Early Alert protocol is intended to serve as a timely intervention for students observed to be experiencing academic difficulty. Faculty referrals are important for early identification of students at academic risk. Early identification of academically at risk students provides the best opportunity for successful intervention and affords students with the most options. If you know that academic issues are related to personal wellness concerns, we encourage you to also complete a Welfare Concern/CARE Report. The CARE Team will then work collectively with the Academic Success staff to ensure all bases are effectively covered.
In most cases, the individual of concern will be contacted and requested to meet with us. If CARE is unable to reach the individual, we will elicit other resources on campus to reach out. Some referrals, specifically those that are minor in nature, will result in "general outreach" detailing the available support resources. While meeting with individuals, we will determine what resources best fit their needs and then help connect the individual with these resources. Our Team will continue to follow up with the individual as necessary to track their progress. Additionally, upon submission of a report, you will receive a letter via email to let you know the report has been received. We will also provide you with the contact information of the CARE Team member charged with managing the case. This will be helpful in the event more concerns come to light and/or you feel additional follow-up with a CARE Team member is necessary.
Any individual connected with the Lander University community is welcome to submit a CARE referral. Faculty, staff, students, parents, or anyone that knows a member of the Lander community can submit a CARE referral. Individuals experiencing difficulties are also encouraged to submit a CARE referral on themselves.

Each CARE referral provides a unique perspective that is likely to assist in identifying the most appropriate campus resource for the individual in need. If answering "yes" to any of the below mentioned questions, we urge you to submit a Welfare Concern/CARE Report.

  • Have you noticed a dramatic change in one's behavior?
  • Is the individual presenting to you in a way that is cause for concern?
  • Is the individual potentially missing?
  • Does the individual appear to need support from multiple campus resources?
  • Does there appear to be multiple levels of distress?
  • Do you have concerns that the individual may pose a risk of harm to self or others? (Remember that situations involving an imminent threat should be immediately reported to LUPD.)

If you still have questions or wish to discuss the matter with a CARE Team member, please email our Team at A Team member will follow-up with you to discuss further.

While we encourage you to self-identify on the form, anyone can submit a referral anonymously. Knowing the source of the referral will help the Team be better prepared to troubleshoot the situation. Additionally, when the Team has questions, it is helpful to know who to contact. On the form, the reporter will have an option to notate whether they wish to remain anonymous. This allows the Team to have the reporter's contact information, but also informs the Team that the reporter wishes to remain anonymous. The Team will make every effort to ensure anonymity. There are times, however, when this may be difficult to achieve, particularly when there are larger safety considerations at the forefront or the subject of the report can make assumptions simply based on the power of deduction.
The CARE Team maintains confidential records, including records regarding follow-up and reports that derive from any referrals. Records are stored in a secure, protected database to facilitate the monitoring of ongoing cases and the provision of assessment and longitudinal follow-up. Each CARE Team member signs a confidentiality agreement annually. The Team is bound by FERPA and HIPAA compliance.


The Wellness Center (Health Services, Counseling Services, and Disability Services)

The Wellness Center is a resource available free of charge to all Lander Students. With licensed nurses, counselors, and a disability coordinator on-hand, the Lander community has a great team in place to help individuals promote their health.

Lander University Police Department

Officers at the Lander University Police Department have jurisdiction state-wide and office experience and dedication to help protecting Lander's campus and students. LUPD puts the safety of the campus community first, but also remain focused on proactive intervention and community-style policing. Officers work closely alongside the Wellness Center staff to ensure individuals experiencing a crisis can be connected with needed resources 24/7.

Director of CARE and Advocacy​

The Director of CARE and Advocacy proactively advocates, seeks and/or provides support for students of concern by collaborating with resources and stakeholders across campus. Advocacy may include direct support of those students requiring individualized services, as referred by various offices/departments. Further, the Director of CARE and Advocacy coordinates/executes programming based on trends, pertinent life skills, or other identified needs. The Director of CARE and Advocacy serves as an integral member of the CARE Team.

Employee Assistance

The LifeService Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all employees and their families. The EAP is a University funded benefit that offers the support and resources you need to achieving balance through total well-being. The EAP service is staffed by a team of highly trained and qualified professionals who are experts in fields such as well-being, family matters, relationships, debt management, employment issues, consumer rights, and much more. It provides confidential professional assessment, referral assistance, in-person, and telephonic counseling services with licensed professional counselors. For additional information, please contact the Office of Human Resources.

*The CARE Team is also familiar with a multitude of resources available in the Greenwood community. Please email the CARE Team regarding any specific needs.

End of Year Reports

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