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The Lander University Police Department offers a variety of educational and safety programs for students, faculty and staff.

  • D.U.I. (Driving Under the Influence) Awareness - Uniformed officers discuss current state law and present DUI arrest demonstrations.
  • Fire Safety - Designed to teach individuals necessary precautions and actions when confronted by a fire. Prevention tips are presented to provide the individual with information to create a safe environment for everyone.
  • Personal Safety - Interaction with officers to provide information on safety on campus, traveling, at home and in the workplace. Practical risk-reduction tips are given during the presentation.
  • Self Defense Class - Participates will learn fundamentals of self-defense in order to protect themselves against an attacker. Participates will also learn about situational awareness and pre attack indicators that suspects use to lure in their victims. Class consists of a classroom presentation followed by hands on learning using striking bags.  Class lasts between 2-3 hours. The goal of self-defense is "To get out of the situation as quickly as possible".
    Register Now for Fall 2024 Dates:
    • August 27 at 2 pm

    • September 5 at 2 pm

    • September 19 at 2 pm

    • October 31 at 2 pm

    • November 14 at 2 pm

    • December 3 at 2 pm


Custom Safety Programs

Crime Prevention and Educational programs can be tailored for a specific group or situation. For information regarding these programs, contact University Police at (864) 388-8222.

The Lander University Police Department is willing to offer programs to campus or community groups in the following areas.

  • Women's Safety
  • Sexual Assault
  • Dating/Domestic Violence

For more information on these programs and schedules, contact Lander University Police at 864-388-8222.