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Note: The information below provides convenient links to some of the courses required for this degree; however, it should not be used as a course registration guide. Please refer to the official Lander University Academic Catalog for the most accurate and up-to-date program requirements.


Child & Family Studies Minor

The objective of the child and family studies program is to encompass the entire life cycle while examining childhood and family as a developmental process. A major focus of the program is to facilitate an understanding of the entire developmental process through the dynamics of relationships within family units and through a cross cultural analysis of the diversity of the family systems.

The minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Core: 9 credit hours

Electives: Minimum of nine credit hours from at least two disciplines

Note: Students are advised to take at least one elective at the 300 level. A student must maintain an average of 2.00 or above in the courses taken for the Child and Family Studies minor. The minor is available to all students from across the University. For further information, contact the Department of Psychological Science and Human Services.

* These courses have a pre-requisite of PSYC 203: Developmental Psychology
​** These courses have a pre-requisite of SOCI 202
: Social Problems.

Human Services Minor

Human services is an academic area related to employment as a case manager, counselor, or advocate within workplace settings such as any state or non-profit social service agencies including group homes; correctional facilities; mental health facilities; family, child and youth service agencies; and programs related to alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic violence, and aging. This minor is open to any student in any major at Lander.

Students majoring in either Psychology or Sociology are particularly encouraged to consider this minor as an area of study because of the many career opportunities that are linked to human services.

SOCI 101 and PSYC 101 or PSYC 102 are prerequisites for many of the courses in the minor.

A minor in human services consists of 18 semester hours distributed as follows:

Pre-Social Work Minor

The objective of the pre-social work minor is to familiarize students with conditions in social environments that impact children, families, and communities. A major focus is to increase student’s knowledge of the social service system, social welfare programs, and varying types of interventions social workers utilize to address these issues, as well as areas that address comprehensive solutions to society’s major problems.

This minor does not prepare students for professional social work practice nor for state social work licensure. Course work in sociology, human services, and psychology offers good preparation for graduate study in social work. This minor is designed to optimally prepare students with the knowledge most relevant to their pursuit of graduate training in social work.

The minor consists of 18 credit hours distributed as follows:

Core Courses (12 hrs.)

Elective Courses (a minimum of 6 hrs. from the following)


Many courses in this minor have pre-requisites, such as:

  • PSYC 101: General Psychology or PSYC 102: Introduction to Psychology for Majors for the Psychology courses.
  • SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology for the Sociology courses
  • HUS 201 : Introduction to Human Services for Human Services courses.

A student must maintain an average of 2.00 or above in the courses taken for the pre-social work minor.

The minor is available to all students from across the University. 

Psychology Minor

A minor in psychology consists of 18 semester hours distributed as follows:

  • PSYC 101 or PSYC 102
  • Electives:
    • PSYC Elective
    • PSYC Elective
    • PSYC Elective (300-Level or above)
    • PSYC Elective (300-Level or above)
    • PSYC Elective (300-Level or above)

Note: A student must take at least nine hours at the 300 level or above, earn no less than a "C" in PSYC 101 or PSYC 102, and maintain an average of 2.00 or above in the courses taken for the psychology minor. For further information, contact the Department of Psychological Science.