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Note: The information below provides convenient links to some of the courses required for this degree; however, it should not be used as a course registration guide. Please refer to the official Lander University Academic Catalog for the most accurate and up-to-date program requirements.


Art History Minor

Students who are pursuing any major may pursue a minor in art history. This minor may be of particular interest to students interested in knowledge or careers related to art, culture, history, public history, museum studies, or cultural tourism.

Requirements for the minor are:

Ethics Minor

Ethics has been a major focus of study for philosophers since antiquity, and is, today, the most highly discussed and researched area in philosophy. Minoring in ethics supplies an excellent pre-professional endorsement for any major. Its focused coursework in critical thinking, ethical project design, the foundations of moral theory, and the study of contemporary moral dilemmas especially complements majors involving managerial, professional or social justice careers. Lander’s minor in ethics is unique in requiring completion of an ethical advocacy project-course, in addition to a broad array of applied and foundational courses that can be mixed and matched to suit individual preference. The Ethics minor is open to all students except those minoring in Philosophy. 

The program consists of 15 semester hours across a variety of disciplines, to include: 

Category A: Philosophy Core Courses (6 credit hours) 

Category B: Foundational Courses in Ethics (3 to 6 credit hours)

If HONS 292 is cross-listed with PHIL 341 it cannot be counted as an additional three hours.

Category C: Disciplines: (3 to 6 credit hours)*

*If students select 6 credit hours from Category B or C, they must select 3 credit hours from the other category.

History Minor

A minor in history consists of 18 semester hours distributed as follows:

  • 6 credit hours of 100-level History courses
  • 12 credit hours of 200-level or higher History courses*
    *Students can count only one 3-credit hour 200-level history course toward completion of the minor. 

International Studies

The objective of the minor in international studies is to learn about the contemporary world (i.e., post-1900) and the relationship of the United States to the world. Students will be exposed to major international issues and challenges as well as to cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary perspectives. Students pursuing the minor are encouraged to participate in Lander’s approved study abroad programs, although this is not a requirement for completion of the minor.

Courses from chosen area, either A or B - 9 semester hours
Courses from the other two - 9 semester hours

Thus, students must concentrate their coursework in either history or political science. In addition, they must choose at least three additional courses for the minor from any of the areas below. Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all minor courses.

Area A. History

Special topics courses (HIST 441are also acceptable if the contemporary age (1900-present) is the primary focus of appropriate course content.


Area B. Political Science

Special topics courses (POLS 361) and internships with an international focus (POLS 490) are also acceptable if the contemporary age (1900-present) is the primary focus of appropriate course content.

Area C. Approved Electives and Study Abroad

Students may count a variety of electives toward the minor in international studies. This includes courses taken at Lander as well as through the Lander-approved study abroad programs. The following Lander courses are pre-approved for the minor:

Special Topics (if appropriate course content is covered) Students are strongly encouraged to study abroad and may count up to nine hours of coursework taken through Lander-approved programs, such as at the University of Winchester in the United Kingdom. Faculty must approve all coursework taken in study abroad programs.

Philosophy & Religious Studies Minor

The minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies enables students to complete a focused concentration in comparative, spiritual traditions that readily attaches to any major. Foundational skills in critical thinking and conceptual analysis acquire additional breadth and cultural competency from the academic study of philosophical and religious systems. Practical applications in belief-system analysis helps students bridge their majors in the arts and sciences, and professional programs, with high-impact careers in the areas of pastoral care; ethical leadership and consulting; religious conflict-mediation; as well as facilitating a personally rewarding exploration of personal values into the ultimate questions.

The philosophy and religious studies minor consists of 18 credit hours with the following distribution:

A. Foundational Courses in Philosophy and Religion (six credit hours required):

B. Philosophy (Select two courses from Category B. No more than one course may be taken at the 200-level.):

C. Religious Studies (Select two courses from Group C. No more than one course may be taken at the 200-level):

*With approval from the department chair, students may include one special topics art history course that focuses on a connection between religion and art.

Pre-Law Minor

The pre-law minor has three groups of courses. Students must take both courses in the first group (Group A), two of the courses in the second group (Group B), and two of the courses in the third group (Group C). The first group consists of courses providing the most important skills a law student or lawyer needs. The second group consists of courses providing background knowledge helpful for law students or lawyers. The third group consists of the law courses offered at the undergraduate level.

The pre-law minor consists of 18 semester hours with the following distribution:

GROUP A (6 semester hours)

GROUP B (6 semester hours)
Students must choose two of the following courses:

GROUP C (6 semester hours)
Students must choose two of the following courses:

Public History Minor

The Public History minor provides non-history majors with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of history to help prepare them for possible careers in such areas as archives, museums, historic preservation, historic sites, and the National Parks Service. In order to have a sufficient foundation in American history, HIST 111 and HIST 112 are required. HIST 380: Introduction to Public History, another required course, helps students develop skills necessary for working in public history fields while exposing them to the various career options in that area. Students also select nine hours of elective courses related to the field of public history in which they would like to specialize.

The Public History minor is open to all students except those majoring or otherwise minoring in History.

The program consists of 15 credit hours, to include:

Public History Electives (select 3)

Southern Studies

The American South’s distinctive historical, cultural, and political experiences make it worthy of in-depth scholarly exploration. In the Southern Studies minor, you will learn about the region’s significant influence on national and international affairs, economics, literature, music, art, sports, religion, and race and gender relations. The program consists of 18 credit hours across a variety of disciplines. 

Category A (select at least 2)

Category B (select at least 2)

*Additional courses that have an emphasis on the American South may be counted toward the minor if approved first by the Department of History and Philosophy chair.
**Students can count only one of the following towards completion of the minor: HIST 250, SOCI 250, or HIST 350.