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Lander University Alumni Week – All Graduates Urged to Join in

Whether it's enjoying a tasty breakfast with co-workers, taking a campus tour, or reconnecting with old college friends at a Bearcat baseball game or a reunion dinner, all former Lander graduates are urged to come back to school this spring for the university's annual alumni week.

Held April 17-22, Lander Alumni Week will feature at least one different event every day, including:

April 17 - Lander Unite Day - Lander alumni all over the world are encouraged to reach out to alumni in their area for lunch, dinner, or a social hour - wherever you are! Alumni in the area are invited to a Happy Hour social from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Fox & Hound in Uptown Greenwood inside the Inn on the Square.

April 18 - Employee Alumni Breakfast, 7-9 a.m. - Lander Dining Hall. Lander is serving breakfast to employees who Lander their alma mater.

April 19 - Alumni Appreciation Day, 5:30 p.m. - Dolny Stadium with baseball game.

April 20 - Alumni Day at Dixie Drive, 11:30 am - 2 pm - Receive a coupon for a free beverage and an Alumni t-shirt.

April 21 - Class of 1967, 50th Reunion - Lander Foundation and Alumni Center - RSVP Donna Johnson- $15 per person.

April 22 - Campus Tours begin at 10 a.m. Class Photos in Horne Arena lobby at 11 a.m., followed by an Alumni Reunion and Awards Luncheon at noon.

For more information, you may: register online at; contact Debbie Dill or call the Alumni Office at 864-388-8351.