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The following resources will provide assistance to students, faculty, and staff.


Major Guides

Individual four-year program registration guides have been constructed to assist students with course selection and are provided only as a guide, since students have flexibility when planning their own personal schedule of courses.


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Program Length

Faculty in each discipline determine program length when a program is initiated or revised. Each program is subject to review and approval through Lander’s internal program approval process as well as the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education program approval process. Most Lander degrees were developed by faculty who used comparable programs at other universities as a guide to both program length and content. Degree programs that require specialized accreditation are reviewed and approved by the appropriate accrediting agency. Therefore, the length of Lander’s programs is comparable to the length of programs at other institutions.


Undergraduate Degree Programs

Undergraduate programs offered through Lander University require a minimum of 120 credit hours. The specific number of required hours varies from 120 to 140.5 depending on the major program and the emphasis within the major.


Graduate Degree Programs

Lander University’s graduate programs offered through Lander University require a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate course work.

Final Exams

Final examinations are scheduled according to section number.


Exam Schedule


Grades are available in MyLander as posted by the instructor. Academic totals and standing are not final until the end of the full term. Grading Steps can be found here.

All grading deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar.


Incomplete Grades

A grade of Incomplete is assigned at the discretion of the instructor when, in the instructor’s judgment, a student, who has a passing grade in the course, or a reasonable prospect of earning a passing grade, is unable to complete some limited portion of the assigned work in a course (e.g., final project, final exam) because of extenuating circumstances (e.g., extended illness, accident, unavoidable work-related responsibility, or family hardship).

NOTE: An Incomplete is not intended to give students additional time to complete course assignments unless there is some indication that the specified condition or event prevented the student from completing course assignments on time. By arrangements with the instructor, the student will have up to six months from the last day of examinations for the semester in which to complete the work before a permanent grade is recorded. Within two weeks of assigning a grade of Incomplete, the instructor will prepare an “Incomplete Grade Form” that specifies the assignments that must be submitted and the deadline for each assignment. The instructor will send a copy to the student and place a copy on file with the Registrar’s Office. The student will sign the form indicating acknowledgement of the requirements. If the instructor does not complete a grade change request by the end of the six-month period, the grade of Incomplete will automatically be changed to a grade of “F”.

Incomplete Grade change dates can be found on the Academic Calendar.

Degree Evaluation

Degree evaluations perform student tracking of course work toward degree completion.

What is DegreeWorks?
DegreeWorks is a web-based tool that allows students and advisors to monitor academic progress toward completing a degree. All students with a catalog term of Fall 2023 to present should use DegreeWorks. Both students and advisors can use DegreeWorks to ensure a student is progressing toward their degree.

Who can use DegreeWorks?
All students with a catalog term of Fall 2023 to present should use DegreeWorks.

How do I run a degree audit?
Please review the steps below:

Can I use the “What-If” feature?
Yes. Running a “What-If” analysis is a great way to see how your degree progress will be affected if you change your major, catalog year, or add a minor. This tool will show updated degree requirements based on the criteria you select.

What if I repeat a course?
Repeated courses will show an (R) indicator under the “repeated” column of the evaluation. You can find more information about repeating courses in the catalog here.

How can I use the GPA Calculator?
The Graduation Calculator is used to estimate the approximate GPA a student would need to achieve over their remaining credit hours to achieve their ideal GPA at the time of graduation.
Term calculator is used to determine what a student’s approximate GPA will be after the current semester is finished.
The Advice Calculator is used to determine the grades a student would need to earn to achieve their ideal GPA

How can I print my degree audit?
You can print your degree audit by clicking on the printer icon at the top of the degree evaluation. This will allow you to save your degree audit as a PDF that you can then print.

What if I think there is an error on an audit?
If you think you have come across an error within a Degree Works audit, please email with a screenshot of the error and an explanation of the error.


Additional Resources 

Name & Address Change

The Registrar's Office maintains all name and address changes to student records.


Address Change

All address changes should be made on MyLander. Once you have logged onto MyLander, click your initial in the upper right-hand corner. Select “My Account” from the box. Under the Personal Information Card, select Edit Personal Information. From there, you can edit your marital status, preferred first name, personal pronouns, gender identification, phone number, address, and emergency contact. If you are an alumnus of Lander and would like to make a change, please contact Alumni Affairs at 864-388-8351.


Name Change

Students who need to make a legal name change must complete the Authorization of Change of Biographic Data form and return the completed form to the Registrar’s Office. This form also includes changes to email and Social Security Numbers. The Authorization of Change of Biographic Data form can be found under the Forms section of the Registrar’s Office webpage or in the Registrar’s Office. When submitting the form, please ensure that the necessary documentation is attached.


Enrollment Verification

All currently enrolled students needing an Enrollment Verification should contact the Registrar’s Office. If you are not currently enrolled, an official transcript should be used as proof of previous enrollment.


Degree Verification

Alumni: For degree verification, order an official transcript.
Third-party requestors: Order verifications via the National Student Clearinghouse.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.


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Student Petition

Students have the right to seek specific relief from the application of the academic policy of the University. 

The request should include a concise letter of the circumstances which have led to the request and any required or suggested supporting documentation. The Student Letter Guidelines (PDF) offers suggestions for the composition of the letter.

At a minimum, the following deadlines must be observed:

  1. Appeal for Readmission (PDF): Students must submit an Application for Admission, an Appeal for Readmission form and a letter of explanation to the Office of Admissions (Learning Center 114) before making an appointment with the Director of Admissions. The Admissions and Petitions Committee will review the application and make the decision on readmission. If you wish, you may appear before the Committee. Readmission initiated or supporting documents received after these deadlines will not be accepted unless you can demonstrate circumstances beyond your control that prevented you from completing the process on time.

  2. Academic Petition (PDF): Petition forms and supporting documents must be submitted no later than the close of business on the work day PRIOR to the Committee meeting day to the Registrar's Office. Petitions and supporting documents submitted after this deadline will be considered at the next monthly meeting of the Committee.

The University Petitions Committee (PDF) meets at least once during each month of the year; the specific meeting dates and times are posted outside the Registrar's Office (Learning Center 122).


Students may drop a course completely during the Drop/Add period through their MyLander account. Students who find it necessary to withdraw from all classes must complete an Official Withdrawal/Temporary Leave Form. 


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Attendance Reporting

Instructors are required to confirm attendance every semester. It is vital that we receive attendance reports, as it helps us avoid major financial aid consequences for students as well as Lander University. If you have any issues reporting attendance, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

>> Attendance Reporting Steps